Rainbow Reservoirs are the ideal solution for water storage across various needs, from agriculture to industry. Made from high-quality materials, these reservoirs are designed for durability and can withstand extreme weather conditions. With large capacity and efficient design, they ensure a stable and reliable water supply. Perfect for anyone needing secure and practical water storage.. GREENHOUSE FAN & COOLING SY
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Also known as a pad and fan system, uses fans and wet pads to cool a greenhouse. The system works by blowing air out of the greenhouse with large fans, which creates a suction that pulls hot air from outside through the wet pads. As the air passes through the pads, water evaporates into it, which lowers the temperature and increases the humidity. The excess water is collected at the bottom of the pads and returned to a tank for reuse.
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A greenhouse is a building for cultivating plants, which has a roof and wall structure that is translucent. The light needed by the plants can enter the greenhouse, while the plants are protected from unfavorable environmental conditions, namely air temperatures that are too low, rainfall that is too high, and winds that are too strong. Greenhouses reduce the rate at which heat energy flows out of a building by inhibiting heat that has been absorbed through convection. The materials for greenhouse construction are usually glass or plastic, so that sunlight can pass through.
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The Deprivation Blackout Greenhouse is designed to give you precise control over light exposure, creating the perfect environment for specialized plant growth. Its high-quality blackout materials completely block out external light, allowing you to simulate ideal day-night cycles. This greenhouse is durable and easy to manage, ensuring consistent results for sensitive crops. Ideal for growers looking to optimize yield and quality in a controlled setting.
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Thin greenhouses are a revolutionary new technology in agriculture that has great potential for sustainable crop production. These greenhouses are built with durable, lightweight materials, and are designed to maximize the use of natural sunlight and heat for plant growth. The thin film material of the greenhouse allows for unmatched transparency, facilitating superior photosynthesis and ensuring the best conditions for plant growth. This technology has the potential to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions associated with traditional farming, resulting in an environmentally and financially friendly alternative for farmers around the world.
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Greenhouses are vulnerable to overheating from spring until autumn. Without protection from heat, few plants are likely to survive unharmed when subjected to prolonged high levels of heat and dry atmosphere within a greenhouse or conservatory. However, with sufficient air circulation, humidity and shading, many plants will tolerate high summer greenhouse or conservatory temperatures in the same way that they survive in the tropics and subtropics where many greenhouse and conservatory plants originate. The aim of gardeners is to prevent leaf temperature rising to levels at which tissue damage occurs. By September, shading should be reduced gradually, and removed as soon as ventilation alone can control overheating. Blinds and netting used for shading can be deployed on cold winter nights to limit heat losses.
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About Us

Welcome to PT CIPTA INTI PRAKARSA, where innovation meets excellence. Established with a mission to revolutionize greenhouse, irrigation, and water storage solutions, we are dedicated to delivering top-quality solutions that drive success and satisfaction for our clients. At PT CIPTA INTI PRAKARSA, our commitment to services with integrity, innovation, and customer focus sets us apart. We bring together a team of seasoned professionals who are passionate about supply greenhouse accesorries and construction works, ensuring that every project is executed with precision and care .

Our mission is to provide best products and technology, unparalleled service that exceed expectations and foster long-term relationships. We leverage the latest advancements and best practices to deliver results that are not only effective but also sustainable. We pride ourselves on our ability to adapt and evolve in a dynamic environment, always staying ahead of industry trends and customer needs. Join us on our journey as we continue to push boundaries, set new standards, and achieve excellence in everything we do. At PT Cipta Inti Prakarsa, your success is our success.

Inovasi Teknologi:

Mengembangkan dan menyediakan sistem pendinginan dan ventilasi greenhouse yang paling efisien dan ramah lingkungan melalui penelitian dan pengembangan berkelanjutan.

Layanan Pelanggan:

Memberikan pelayanan yang responsif, profesional, dan solutif kepada setiap pelanggan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan harapan mereka.


Berkomitmen untuk praktik bisnis yang berkelanjutan, mengurangi dampak lingkungan, dan mendukung pertanian yang berkelanjutan di Indonesia.

Kemitraan Strategis:

Membangun kemitraan yang kuat dengan pemangku kepentingan, termasuk petani, peneliti, dan distributor, untuk memperluas jangkauan dan dampak positif kami.

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